This is sooooooooooooooooooo Important. Our Ethical Commitment to our patients
19/05/2020We have been in lockdown now for two months. We feel pretty slick hot at the new normal.
Does everybody in the community understand the importance of ‘Medical Optometrists’ and patient care. Our ethical stance is to deal with as much as possible in the community ensuring people are not needlessly referred to the hospital. Without trying to be melodramatic this does carry risk to us; Optometrists are ranked 9th out of 359 professions for risk of exposure to Corona Virus. Indeed some optometry advisory bodies suggest we should carte blanche refer all emergencies to the hospital.

While this may protect us we believe it is simply passing on risk to both hospital staff and patients. I admit we are last in line for access to PPE. At Aarons we have accessed PPE via a number of private routes. Nothing has been gifted. We have masks, gloves and biodegradable aprons (the environment remains vitally important of course). So remember, despite potential risks, we consider ourselves at Aarons important enough to remain open with a Medical Optometrist (that’s ME!) on-call for emergencies.
We remain physically in the practice Monday to Friday 9.00am till 2.00pm. At all other times emergency calls are directed to my mobile. If you need advice we will have a telephone chat and arrange the most appropriate action. If we need you in the practice we will be there.
We are open to all emergencies even from other, non-Medical, optometrists. Remote triaging to advise and reassure is a service I supply as a courtesy but in the absence of NHS funding, charges may apply for more advanced clinical services. Our clinical advice is open to everyone.
For our Clarity and Insight members remember you are buying a clinical medical service and this will continue.
Contact Lens Clarity patients please remember this – you are not alone. If you have a sore red painful eye phone us.
The value, as always, is the clinical service and support we strive to supply.