Meet Andrew – Aaron’s long-standing Optometrist and Eye Care Aficionado
17/11/2021Andrew joined the team as an optometrist in 1997 and is an integral part of Aaron’s culture and development. With comprehensive medical training in Glaucoma, paediatric eye care and contact lens fittings, Andrew is a valuable asset to the Aaron’s family and a well-known, friendly face for both staff and customers.
Andrew holds a First Class Honours Degree in Optometry and has worked in the Eye Casualty Department of the Royal Victoria infirmary. Bringing first-hand experience within a hospital setting, he has gained Independent Prescribing status and is qualified to dispense medication for all your eye health needs.
Every day is different at Aaron’s. Andrew might be conducting routine eye examinations and completing contact lens fittings one day and taking emergency appointments and managing assessments for Dyslexia the next.
With over 20 years’ experience in optics, Andrew is a registered NHS Optometric Performer and a fellow at the Association of British Dispensing Opticians, which promotes better education and improvements within the field. Andrew himself has supervised both Dispensing and Contact Lens Optician students.
Andrew is interested in the ongoing optometry research, education and technological advancements and this is an element of Aaron’s that he particularly enjoys, as we are constantly investing in the latest technology to safeguard the health of our patients.
Apart from contact lens fittings and primary eye care, Andrew is particularly interested in coloured overlays and lens assessments. These assessments allow both children and adults to view text through different coloured acetates, their response identifying the colour and precision-tinted lenses that provide the most relief and ease when reading. As many people both with and without Dyslexia suffer from visual stress, this is an invaluable service for both children in school and older bookworms within the community.
At Aaron’s we are lucky that our optometrists have a variety of interests in differing areas of optics, providing a well-rounded and full health service for the people of Northumberland.