He’s Back! Kind of… An Update On Peter
12/12/2022The Bike Accident: Sometimes I am what my father would have called a ‘knucklehead’. A statement by Peter Frampton
I would like to thank everyone who helped me and those who rang to find out how I was getting on. I am sorry for the appointment changes. And all my colleagues, totally committed to the Aarons ethos, have supported me throughout and, maybe I am self-delusional, were deeply concerned.
Honestly, all things considered, the outcome from Monday 21st November 2022 could have been far less optimal.
Coming to work for a meeting, and despite warnings from Dawn about the cold and gritters, I cycled. Hmmmm you wonder, could this decision have been a mistake? Yes, coming into Lynemouth the fall was so sudden and traumatic, continuous memories of the day are non-existent. I have now seen the bike camera footage and it really unnerved me.
Fortunately, David and Carol Johnson, a jolly decent couple I know via Aarons, witnessed me simply drop to the road, and not move. Stopping to assist (thank you both), I could not be roused, was hypothermic and, from what I am told, remained connected to my bike via the cleats (I am possessive of my bikes). Re-enforcements arrived; a GP from Wellway Lynemouth (tried to find out who you are but failed) and a police unit. I suspect the possibility of spinal injuries tiggered the call for the air ambulance from Penrith as well as paramedics.
Monday; bit of a blur. Apparently, I was able to tell the GP how to contact my wife Dawn (don’t remember at all -telling her that is, obviously I remember Dawn!). I remember voicing up when I heard Dawn in the ambulance. Decided to chat with an emergency doctor at NSECH about putting a femoral nerve block in my leg – my input was not helpful. Finally woke in Ward 1 NSECH early evening. The day just flew by. Not so much for Dawn who was conscious and with me throughout.
Injuries: Left neck of femur fracture, Subdural/Subarachnoid haemorrhage, Left mastoid skull fracture, Left pinna haematoma (Cauliflower ear) and burst eardrum. Surgery for the femur on Wednesday after neurosurgery confirmed the safety of simply monitoring the brain haemorrhages. Now home and walking with sticks. Back on the bike tomorrow (I am such a wag).
While I do not wish to repeat this process, I was treated with professionalism and genuine empathy throughout; as such it has been a profoundly uplifting experience. At the scene Mr and Mrs Johnson, police, doctors, air ambulance crew and paramedics. The emergency clinicians at NSECH. Once admitted to Ward 1, doctors from more specialties you could imagine, consultant anaesthetists and orthopaedic surgeons, nurses (everyone spectacular in their professionalism) physiotherapists, OT, the cheery dinner lady and all the porters, particularly the chap who took me to the car on discharge and found time to shake my hand.
I have no clue what I have just cost the NHS, but reassured it is appreciated, valued and never disparaged.
See you all back at work. My post-surgery gait is going to really reinvigorate the old ‘walk this way’ joke.